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  • Comprehensive 25-year history of electronic health records and their role in medical research assembled
    on 12/02/2025 at 19:54

    Pennington Biomedical Research Center researchers have recently published a piece in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, or JMIR. The study titled “Twenty-Five Years of Evolution and Hurdles in Electronic Health Records and Interoperability in Medical Research: Comprehensive Review,” explores how electronic health records’ use in medical research has evolved over the past 25 years. Dr. Yun Shen and Dr. Gang Hu have extensive experience in working with electronic health records to study chronic diseases, population health trends, and predictive analytics.

  • Reducing mental-health-related sickness absences requires more collaboration and overcoming prejudices
    on 12/02/2025 at 19:53

    There is new research data on the reduction of mental health-related incapacity for work. An implementation study was carried out on the MYÖTE operational model. The model increases co-operation between occupational health services and other social welfare and health care sector parties in the treatment of mental health disorders. Supporting return to work requires more co-operation between different parties and considering the stigma related to the topic.

  • From fingers to toes, wearable and vibrating technology could help Parkinson’s patients
    on 12/02/2025 at 19:45

    Fingernail-sized vibrating gadgets, similar to the tiny devices that make your cellphone buzz, could help people with Parkinson’s disease navigate the world with more confidence and ease. The vibrating devices, which may also help people with other mobility conditions, form the backbone of new flexible, wearable technology developed by Virginia Commonwealth University researchers.

  • Monitoring wastewater from international flights could serve as early warning system for next pandemic
    on 12/02/2025 at 19:45

    Monitoring wastewater from international flights for pathogens would be a useful way to get ahead of the next pandemic or even a biological threat from abroad, scientists say.

  • Type 1 diabetes: Hybrid closed-loop and open-loop systems therapies compared
    on 12/02/2025 at 19:45

    People with type 1 diabetes require continuous insulin treatment and must regularly measure their glucose levels. With open-loop therapies, insulin administration is manually controlled, while hybrid closed-loop systems automatically regulate insulin delivery.

Source: https://medicalxpress.com/

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